Margery Post Abbott
Margery Post Abbott, a member of Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland, Oregon, is well known for her ministry among Friends and for her books and lectures.
Stewart Baily

Stewart Baily is a retired engineering manager with a love of history and literature. He has published extensively in the technical community, and now finds time to perform research and writing on American History. Stewart and his wife Barbara reside in San Diego, California. Stewart Baily Website
Brenda Walker Beadenkopf

Brenda Walker Beadenkopf is a retired newspaper editor living in Michigan, who grew up in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (member of Concord), and was published both in Guideposts magazine and in Friends Journal. She recently re-published the handbook her father, Charlie Walker, wrote in 1960 for the Civil Rights Movement, Organizing for Nonviolent Direct Action ($6 on QuakerBooks and Amazon), and has completed the manuscript for A Quaker Behind the Dream: Charlie Walker and the Civil Rights Movement, to be published soon. She speaks and leads workshops on the benchmarks, strategies and tactics of nonviolence and details how her father worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to promote training in nonviolence – its high principles as well as practicality in dealing with social justice issues.
J. Brent Bill

J. Brent Bill is an author, photographer, retreat leader, and recorded Friends minister. Among his books are:
–Holy Silence: 2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded!-Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker: A Humble Stumble Toward Simplicity and Grace
-Finding God in the Verbs: Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer
-Awaken Your Senses: Exercises for Exploring the Wonder of God
-Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality
-Mind the Light: Learning to See with Spiritual Eyes
-Holy Places: Matching Sacred Space with Mission and Message
-Imagination and Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader
In addition to more than 100 short stories and non-fiction articles. He is also the author of the popular blog HolyOrdinary. He graduated from Wilmington College and the Earlham School of Religion. He’s worked as a local church pastor, denominational executive, seminary faculty member, and go-cart track operator. He lives on Ploughshares Farm, which is fifty acres of Indiana farmland that is being reclaimed for native hardwood forests and warm season prairie grasses. Brent Bill Website and he’s also on Facebook and Twitter.
John Bond
John Bond is a Publishing Consultant, author, book publisher, editor, and Quaker. He is a member of Mickleton Monthly Meeting in New Jersey. John has been in publishing for over thirty years. He is the author of
- You Can Write and Publish a Book: Essential Information on How to Get Your Book Published,
- The Story of You: Essential Information on How to Write Your Family Stories,
- Scholarly Publishing: A Primer,
- The Request for Proposal in Publishing: Managing the RFP Process.
His video channel provides concise information on publishing ( Learn more about him at
David Boulton

David Boulton is best known today for his books and articles exploring and promoting a brand of open-minded humanism that rejects supernaturalist religion but respects and celebrates the best of our religious heritage and tradition in so far as it offers an enabling dream of what he calls “the republic of heaven.” He is a member of the British Humanist Association and of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). David Boulton Website
Mike Brooks

Mike Brooks is a long-standing attender at Westminster Meeting, London. He is journalist, editor and psychotherapist by profession. His first novel, The Machine Society, is a sci-fi thriller set in a dystopian future in the aftermath of nuclear war and climate disaster. The story has mystery, comedy and romance and is essentially a satire on society’s love for consumerism, branding and virtual reality. It’s also an allegory for the spiritual and psychological search for freedom. You can find out more about Mike’s novel and read some of his short stories at
Paul Buckley
Paul Buckley is a writer and translator of Quaker thought. His book Twenty-First Century William Penn has made Penn accessible to many.
Sas Carey

Sas Carey is a registered nurse, healer, educator, writer and filmmaker. Following her first trip to Mongolia in 1994, she founded and now directs Nomadicare (, which provides improved health care options for Mongolia’s nomadic herders. In her recent book, Reindeer Herders in My Heart, she shares “what happens on the side” while following her leading to provide health care for Mongolia’s most remote and smallest nomadic group—the Dukha reindeer herders. Her humorous memoir documents the journey as she becomes better acquainted with the herders each year. Sas Carey Website
Shulamith Clearbridge

Shulamith Clearbridge is a writer, spiritual director/companion, and workshop teacher. Her previous career was as a medical intuitive, for which she wrote journal and newspaper articles and self-published several books. For fun, she wrote humorous articles and a periodic column for local Vermont newspapers.
Shulamith’s writing (and workshops) now focus on spiritual matters. Her most recent work:
⬥ Plain Talk about Dying: the Spiritual Effects of Taking My Father Off Life Support, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 479, February, 2023
⬥ “The Way to Peace,” an op ed in Friends Journal, February, 2023
⬥ Good Night: Interfaith Prayers & Meditations Before Sleep, to be published by Barclay Press in mid-November, 2023. Shulamith is in the process of completing a book proposal for an interested Quaker publisher. In addition, she has a pile of enticing projects waiting for her attention. When the muse comes, she writes poetry. Her “bottom drawer” contains plays, screenplays, short stories, and micro-short stories.

Dr. John C. (Jock ) Cobb was born in Boston in 1919. After graduating from Harvard with an astronomy degree, he joined the American Field Service as an ambulance driver and served in Syria, North Africa, and Italy. As a conscientious objector to war, Jock captured with his 35mm camera the horror and heartbreak of war and the enduring human spirit. John C. (Jock) Cobb Website
Stephen Cox is a writer and communications professional of over thirty years and a Quaker since 1995. He is a member of North London Area Meeting. He is currently able to take on commissions.
His first novel is Our Child of the Stars which the Los Angeles Times described as “…a wonderfully emotional, heart-warming journey of what it really means to be a parent”
His second novel (March 2022 in the UK) is Our Child of Two Worlds. It’s a study of what love requires, as well as an adventure.
‘My writing offers hope, optimism and a taste of humour, but still facing up to the dark and difficult side of life. I think books can create worlds a bit different from ours, and still be truthful, providing the characters feel real.”
His website is
Steven Davison

Steven Davison is a member of Central Philadelphia Meeting and former communications director of New York Yearly Meeting. In addition to some fiction, poetry, and plays, he is more recently an active nonfiction writer. He is the author of two blogs, BibleMonster (currently suspended) and the Quaker blog Through the Flaming Sword. He has published the Pendle Hill Pamphlet The Gathered Meeting and several articles in Friends Journal. He is working on three books: How Long Will the Land Mourn: A Synthesis and Critique of Christian Earth Stewardship Theology; A Land-based Gospel: The New Covenant of Jesus the Christ; and Quakers and Capitalism: History and Amnesia in Quaker Economics. Themes that run through his work include spiritual ecology, land-based spirituality, and religious culture of place; the economics of redemption in the common-wealth of God; the faith and practice of Quaker ministry; and the character, future, and religious experience of liberal Quakerism.
Hazel Dawkins
Hazel Dawkins, an editor-writer who started out in London’s newspaper world, has worked in Paris and New York and now is based in Greenfield, Massachusetts. Hazel Dawkins Website
Geoffrey Durham

Geoffrey Durham worked as a theatre professional for thirty-five years before retiring in 2006. He was one of the founders of Quaker Quest and has written three introductions to Quakers, each aimed at a different readership;
- The Spirit of the Quakers (Yale University Press 2010)
- Being a Quaker: a guide for newcomers (Quaker Quest 2013)
- What Do Quakers Believe? (Christian Alternative 2019)
Judith Favor

Judith Favor is an author, spiritual guide and retreat leader. She led Worshipful Writing at FGC, guides Discovery Writing workshops in California and is published in Friends Journal and Western Friend. She has worked as a counselor, pastor and seminary instructor. Judith is a member of Claremont Meeting and lives in semi-retirement at Pilgrim Place.
Her books include:
- The Beacons of Larkin Street
- Silent Voices
- The Edgefielders
- Sabbath Economics
Iris Graville

Iris Graville is a creative nonfiction writer from Lopez Island, WA. She holds an MFA in writing from the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts and is the publisher of SHARK REEF Literary Magazine. She also serves on the Board of the Orcas Island Literary Festival. Iris’s first book, Hands at Work, received several accolades, including a Gold Nautilus Book Award. In 2016, she again collaborated with photographers, as well as a chef, for her second book, BOUNTY: Lopez Island Farmers, Food, and Community. Her memoir, Hiking Naked: A Quaker Woman’s Search for Balance, was published by Homebound Publications in 2017. Graville’s essays have appeared in Friends Journal, The Examined Life Journal, Alimentum, Spry Literary Magazine, The Lindenwood Review, and The Wayfarer Magazine. Iris Graville Website
Nancy Haines

Nancy Haines worked seventeen years as an engineer, then ran an antiquarian bookstore. After her retirement, she fulfilled a lifelong dream to be an author. She published a nonfiction book about Quaker relief service in France during WWI based on the love letters of two pacifists and a picture book about spiritual decision making for Quaker children. Her most recent book, To Every Season, is a novel based on the lives of the Quakers who were the original European settlers of Hillsborough, North Carolina, where she and her husband now reside, Her website is Nancy Haines Website.
Pamela Haines

My intention is to use my skills—of writing, training, imagining and acting—in pursuit of a world made whole. I am passionate about… * Repair of all kinds * Helping people claim their right to think about economics * Soil regeneration * Justice * Making unlikely connections * Writing clear and accessible prose * Building bridges * Being human with small children * Big trees * Saving seeds * Inviting others to be in motion. She has written several books including Tending the Web; Poems of Connection, The Promise of Right Relationship and Tending Sacred Ground; Respectful Parenting. A Friends Journal review of Tending Sacred Ground can be found here.
Sarah Katreen Hoggatt

Sarah has been writing for over twenty years and is the author of several books and numerous articles. She is a freelance writer, international speaker, editor, and spiritual director with a passion for ministering to fellow souls. Her most recent book, In the Wild Places, completes at trilogy of poetry about her relationship with God. Sarah Katreen Hoggatt Website
Kim Hope

Kim Hope B.Ed, M.A. is a theatre/drama teacher, trainer, theatre director and voice coach. She was engaged in theatre for change in South Africa where she founded and ran the Themba HIV&AIDS Organisation, an NGO for young people using interactive theatre for HIV prevention and human rights. Prior to this Kim was Head of Theatre Arts at the Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa in Swaziland, and has been Head of Drama/Theatre at schools and colleges in the UK.
Kim has been an actor, theatre director, journalist, public relations officer, and fundraiser. She runs drama classes for adults, and writing retreats in the UK and France.
Her book, ‘The Bullet in the Pawpaw – Theatre and AIDS in South Africa’ will be published by John Hunt Publishers in February 2020. The book traces Kim’s personal journey and her relationship with South Africa, and gives an account of how Themba was created and the success it achieved.
Vanessa Julye

Vanessa Julye was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She attended and graduated from a Friends Boarding School, Westtown School, in the 1970’s. Vanessa obtained a Bachelors Degree from Temple University.
Vanessa has written several articles about her experience as a Friend of Color in the Religious Society of Friends. Vanessa Julye Website
Jennifer Kavanagh

Jennifer Kavanagh worked in publishing for nearly thirty years, the last fourteen as an independent literary agent. Jennifer contributes regularly to the Quaker press, and is an associate tutor at Woodbrooke Quaker study centre. Her books include:
Call of the Bell Bird (available as a free e-book)
The World is our Cloister
Journey Home (formerly The O of Home);
Simplicity Made Easy;
Small Change, Big Deal: Money as if people mattered
The Failure of Success
The Emancipation of B (fiction)
A Little Book of Unknowing
Heart of Oneness: a little book of connection
The Silence Diaries (fiction)
Practical Mystics
(All above are published by different imprints of John Hunt Publishing.)
Most recently. In June 2021, Let Me Take You by the Hand: True Tales from London’s Streets (Little, Brown)
She lives in London. Jennifer Kavanagh Website
Katherine Knowlton

Katherine Knowlton is a retired psychologist who lives in Seattle, Washington. She is a member of the University Friends Meeting. Her fiction for children and speculative fiction for young adults (Trafford Publishing) show Quaker tenets in action. Her books include:
Jamie’s Fight
Weavers of Destiny
Jula’s Loom
Sanni Kruger

Sanni Kruger is a finance coach helping people to become competent and confident money managers who live within their means without stressful money concerns. She does this by supporting them in creating systems that enable them to reduce their debt whilst building up savings. Sanni Kruger Website
Edith Maxwell (Tace Baker)

Tace Baker is a pseudonym for the mystery writer Edith Maxwell. Tace is an old-fashioned Quaker name, which seemed fitting for the author of a series featuring a Quaker Linguistics professor.
Tace has always been interested in languages and linguistics, and has traveled widely in pursuit of those interests. It’s no surprise that Lauren Rousseau is a polyglot and has a keen ear for accents in the English of native speakers and non-native speakers alike. Edith Maxwell Website
Donna McDaniel

Donna McDaniel, age 89 of Southborough, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, surrounded by family. She was a journalist, author and oral historian who, with Vanessa Julye, spent over 7 years researching and writing a definitive book on relationship between African Americans and Quakers, Fit For Freedom, Not For Friendship, published by QuakerBooks of FGC in 2009. Donna wrote a regular column in her local newspaper.
Stasa Morgan-Appel
Stasa Morgan-Appel came to Friends in the US and now lives in Scotland. Her ministry focuses on theological minority Friends, disability and accessibility, dying and death, and LGBTQ concerns. She has published in Quaker periodicals, including Friends Journal and Western Friend; has contributed chapters to several anthologies, including Pagan Consent Culture: Building Communities of Empathy and Autonomy and Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans; and is the co-author of A Winter Solstice Singing Ritual. She blogs at Musings of a Quaker Witch. Stasa Morgan-Appel Website
Mary Lee Morrison
Mary Lee Morrison is the author of numerous journal articles and several curricula, Dr. Morrison is the co-author (with Ian Harris) of Peace Education (McFarland and Co. 2003) and of Elise Boulding: a Life in the Cause of Peace (McFarland and Co. 2005).
Peter M. Parr
Peter M. Parr is author of the Kindlers booklet Answering that of God: discovering Spirit within and three other books. His novel, Escape to Redemption, explores themes of guilt and forgiveness. His latest book, Reflections on God’s Love, is a collection of prayers and meditations to recall our hearts and minds to the loving Presence of God. Included are reflections which shed new light on the Lord’s Prayer and on the parable of the prodigal son.
Peter M. Parr’s web-site:
Jim Pym
Jim Pym is an author and a spiritual healer and meditation teacher with over 40 years’ experience. Former publisher and bookseller for Britain Friends Meeting and former clerk of QUIP, he now lives in Edinburgh, Scottland. He has written numerous books about Quakerism, Buddhism, healing and meditation, including Listening to The Light, an excellent introduction to Friends faith and practice.
Ann Trueblood Raper

I am a Quaker descended from the first Friends converted by George Fox in England and continuing through the first migration of members of the Religious Society of Friends to the Carolinas. Born into Clear Creek Meeting in Richmond, Indiana, I grew up in Gwynedd Friends Meeting, Gwynedd, Pennsylvania, and transferred to New Garden Friends Meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1984. Ann Trueblood Raper Website
Gil Skidmore

Gil Skidmore is an author who has spent many years researching the lives and writings of early Quakers. She is skilled in writing and editing spiritual autobiography. Gil lives in Reading, England, with her husband Chris and together they run Sowle Press which publishes some of Gil’s books.
Larry Spears
Larry Spears is the editor, contributing author, and creative force behind eleven books on servant-leadership. Larry Spears Website
Elizabeth “Liz” Yeats

Elizabeth Rosa Yeats (Liz Yeats) is an author, editor and web publisher. Through her business, Legacy Publications, she helps authors and small organizations edit, design and publish their materials in print and electronic format. More recently she serves Friends and others producing personal history memoirs about themselves mostly for family members. Elizabeth Yeats Website