Quaker Quicks is a new series from Christian Alternative focusing upon aspects of Quaker faith and theology. Beginning with Quaker Roots and Branches the series will build into a valuable resource for Quakers and others interested in this unique Christian expression. Watch out for upcoming titles on Quaker theology, faith and practice, and studies in social aspects such as economics and pacifism.
First Title: Quaker Roots and Branches
Quaker witness in the world today, its rationale, and how it derives from the insights of earlier Quaker generations.
Author: John Lampen
Imprint: Christian Alternative (Quaker Quicks series)
Publication Date: 27 July 2018
Description: Quaker Roots and Branches explores what Quakers call their “testimonies” – the interaction of inspiration, faith and action to bring change in the world. It looks at Quaker concerns around the sustainability of the planet, peace and war, punishment, and music and the arts in the past and today. It stresses the continuity of their witness over three hundred and sixty-five years as well as their openness to change and development.
Endorsements: Thomas Hamm, Professor of History, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, U.S.A. comments:
John Lampen has a gift for connecting the contemporary concerns of Friends with the rich heritage of the Quaker past. In his latest collection of essays, he shows us how the experiences of Friends like George Fox, William Penn, and Elizabeth Fry offer us wisdom and guidance in confronting the problems we face today.
Gerald Hewitson, author, Journey Into Life: Inheriting the Story of Early Friends writes:
From his insight that modern-day Quakers are the product and carriers of an inspiring tradition, John Lampen paints a compelling picture of the Quaker character: clear intellectual enquiry, resolute moral integrity, and quiet, unsung heroism. The lives he describes are led by the guidance emerging from silent worship. In describing the resonance of these Quaker lives with his personal experience, John makes these stories relevant for us today.
Helen Rowlands, former Head of Education, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham, UK, says:
This exploration of Quaker identity shows how modern Quaker ways have developed out of, but are clearly rooted in, the lives of earlier generations. It is engaging and very readable. John Lampen gives frequent examples of real
Quakers seeking to follow ‘guidance’. There are some familiar stories, and some quite tantalising glimpses into less well-known characters which left me wanting to know more. They illustrate how today’s Quaker practice is
frequently on a continuum with the past, but at other times breaks significantly with tradition – and it is helpful to be aware of which is which, and why. A worthwhile read for anyone wanting to understand early 21st century (British) Quakers!
ISBN/Price: 978-1-78535-834-0 (Paperback) £6.99 / $10.95 80 pages.