A tiny institution that drew a mere handful of students on its first day may have seemed too inauspicious to garner local media attention. Indeed, the unpretentious training school opened with little fanfare. And yet, a century and a quarter later, the school endures—in a new location, with a new name, and with an expanded mission.
This story begins with J. Walter and Emma Brown Malone amid the rise of industrial cities, the emergence of urban Bible institutes, among a small denomination of Christians known as Friends.
This commemorative book charts the journey of Malone University from its beginnings in a small rented house, through moves to two campus locations in Cleveland and finally, to its current home in Canton, Ohio. It traces Malone’s history from the six adventurous souls who first enrolled on that brisk March day in 1892 to the two thousand who presently attend Malone University.
Available from Barclay Press: http://www.barclaypressbookstore.com/Malone-University.html
Available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Malone-University-Commemorative-History-1892-2017/dp/1594980489/ref=sr_1_1